Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lots of critters......

Living outside of the city means we see more critters than we might inside of the city and i'm sure no one would be surprised to hear that if I have a camera I take pictures....

We found this caterpillar, the kids were very excited......

as soon as daddy got home they ran up to show him. After looking it up we discovered it would become a moth, we decided it would be best to set it free.

One night while sitting outside Katelin found this little guy (or girl)....

Rylie was the only one who would hold it, in fact she thought it liked her and wanted to be her pet.

She said because it didn't release it's defense spray while she held it that it liked never know!

This big guy (or girl) was making it's way through our yard one day. It's a snapping turtle and could very well snap a finger off so after a quick look we stayed away and let him (or her) continue on!

Not only are there critters at our house but Chet finds them on tree jobs also and one day he found some baby raccoons..... 
they are kinda cute! 

And while most critters are welcome (as long as they stay OUT of my house) some are a little less welcome.....

no this isn't the unwelcome critter I'm referring to but we don't call him a chick magnet because....

he is more of a tick magnet! That is 3 we found on his back one day and he had another on his groin area.....

nasty little critters they are!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a serious fear of ticks!!! Poor kid!

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