Saturday, July 13, 2013

Movie time!

So earlier today we went to the movies, Kinley stayed with Grammy and Haylie and Xander joined us.

What did we go see......

and we saw it in 3D! It was good but I prefer the first one!
What did we learn on this little outing......
Evan and Xander are NOT quite ready to go to the movies.....
overall they did okay but Xander was more worried about snacks and drinks so he kept talking asking for more......
and Evan just isn't ready to sit still and be quiet for 2 solid hours (Chet missed the last 20 minutes because him and Evan had to step out). Evan also wanted nothing to do with wearing the 3D glasses.

We also learned to always expect the middle of the movie, Katelin says, "my nose is bleeding" we head to the bathroom and it sure was. Blood all over her hands, running down her face and all over her mouth. She has never had a bloody nose before....weird! So I cleaned her up and we joined them back in the theatre.

Owen was absolutely perfect, didn't hear a peep from him the entire movie!

And the big girls.....well they chose to not sit with us, they are just too cool for us I guess!!!!
Xander was still rocking the glasses when we got home....goofball! 

We spent $60 on tickets, went to the gas station to stock up on candy to sneak in but still spent an additional $30 on drinks and popcorn.

I honestly think it is more enjoyable to watch from the comfort of our own home and I know it is much cheaper (even when we keep the redbox movie a few extra days after watching it).

But we will go again (the theatre experience is fun)..... we will probably leave the little boys home though or maybe one of these days Chet and I could sneak off to a movie just the two of us......maybe!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I took the kids to see that movie. We went early so it would be cheaper! The movie was great and the kids did better than I thought they would! Maybe we could all go sometime? Without kids though. ;)

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