Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rylie Jo Photography.......

The other day Rylie asked if she could take some pictures with my camera so I let her and this is what I found on my SD card.....

Katelin was the star model

Evan got in a few.....

here is a behind the scenes view of the backdrop......and I love how she dressed him in his shirt that looks like puppy (that's his dogs name).

Rylie had Katelin using props.....

and she went through several outfit changes and ......

many different hairstyles!

I think she did a great job.....

and could have a future in photography!

Oh and Owen is not pictured but he was hard at work behind the scenes, I guess he is Rylie's assistant......sure love how they can all come together and play and use their imaginations!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh...my...goodness! This makes me smile!!!!

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