Thursday, August 7, 2014

A much needed famly night.....

Chet has been working so hard lately that we really haven't had a lot of time with him so.....
we loaded up the kids and headed to dinner and Dave and Busters!
Everyone had a blast!!!!

Katelin and the O man!
Daddy and Kin!
We kept her contained in the stroller most of the night......
but we ended letting her get in on the fun too and she thought she was hot stuff!
This is how Luke hung out most the night!

It got late and he slept really well even with all the noise!
But he seemed to really enjoy being able to see all the lights from the stroller!

I played connect 4 with Rylie and Owen....Ry beat me but I beat O!!!!
Love my little photo bombers!

Daddy won her a stuffed animal but .....
she wasn't satisfied and insisted he try again....

And boy did he....I think he won around 20!
The kids were all in awe and even some other kid watched too so we gave him a few to take home! But there was 1 kid that wasn't too impressed.....
While daddy was showing off for all the kids, I was following this kid around and he was having a blast!!!!!!
Luke was hanging with me and Evan too, daddy doesn't impress him to much....yet!
I think all Chet's years of running a claw truck has helped him with the claw machines but this one with the giant toys he didn't have any luck.....I think Kinley would have been happy to climb in!

We weren't sure what this furry thing was from the claw machine but Rylie turned it into a tail!
My honey and I!
She wanted to push him and she did not want help!

Daddy and Luke on the elevator!
Then it was time to take my little legends was a fun night for all of us!!!

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