Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Evan's 4th Birthday!!!!

My sweet boy turned 4 on Friday and he was super excited.
After taking the kids to school we went and got him some donuts and then just hung out at home waiting for everyone to get off work and come home from school.
He had received a package in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa and man was he excited to get some superhero stuff!
Then we went to Red Robin for dinner and back home for ice cream cake!
And, of course a few gifts! 
There was one gift.....

that made him scream like a little girl....

his superhero action figures!!!!

Let me tell you a few things about my boy....his favorite color is red, he loves superheroes, paw patrol, playing with his friends and his siblings, video games and to run up and give you random hugs and kisses (but only on the cheek). His favorite things to eat is popsicles, cheese pizza, oreo cookies and chocolate milk. His best friends are Cooper and Xander. He is a little bit crazy at times but he is such a sweet kid.

Saturday afternoon we had his party at Monkey Business......
surrounded by family, friends and fun to celebrate our Evie!
This girl was in heaven, she is our little monkey! 
Climbing the rock wall!
Almost every one, we had one family that had to leave before the group pic!
Then it was time for cupcakes.... 
and presents....he loved everything.

Thank you to everyone who helped Evan feel so special and so loved! 
A few more cupcake pics.....

He had a great weekend, hard to believe he is 4 but it is also hard to remember a time when Evie wasn't in our family. We sure do love our crazy kid!!!! 

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