Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Day of School 2014

Yeap! The kids started school today....1st, 4th and 7th.....Crazy!!!!
A couple quick pics of my crew before we left this morning! It was an adjustment for everyone, we got a little spoiled to sleeping in a little!

There they are for their first day, it was only a half day!

She was nervous, she is at the new middle school and her bff Abby stayed at the other school. She also seemed excited and she is walking with her friend Shayne to her house after school then I will pick her up there....I think this will be a good year for her, I really see her maturing a lot. I'm proud of her, she is a good girl....dramatic but good!!!! 

This kid! He is so funny, I parked at the school this morning and he wanted to know why I am parking and I tell him so I can walk Katelin in, we get inside the school and I look around and say "Where's Owen?" Katelin says"Up there".... He ran way ahead of us and went to class, I guess he is getting to big for mom to walk him in, I didn't see him again until after school! I will miss him during the day, he has been such a big help with the younger kids especially Kinley...they have quite the little bond!
And this girl.....she broke my heart! The girl who Loved school so much last year has been so nervous and not wanting to go. She wanted me to stay with her the whole day. We got there and she started to cry and I just had to leave...ugh, it hurt my heart...a lot! Her teacher was comforting her when I left and I knew she would be fine and when I got there to pick her up.............she had a huge smile on her face, her day was a great one and that made my heart very very happy!!!!! Let's hope her first full day goes just as well!

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