Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Deanna Rose....

who is she????? Well she is the first police officer killed in the line of duty in Overland Park. Why do I need to share that on my blog???? Because we went to the Deanna Rose Farmstead which is named in her honor. Was it fun???? The kids had fun and I was in good company but it was crowded, not hot but rather warm and we had a lot of kids with us. So it was okay!
Here is my kids plus Xander and minus Luke (he was in the stroller)!
What is Deanna Rose....well.....
there are animals.....
plants and flowers.....
an old school house and a lake, pony rides and a few other things. We skipped most of the activities just because it was so crowded.

I mentioned I was with good friend Debbie and her kids met us up there and together we have quite the crew......
Her 6 plus my 6 plus Xander, at one point i'm looking around and she says who are you looking for and I responded Kinley.....she looks at me and says...uh, your holding her! Yes it was a little stressful with so many kids in such a crowd!

Rylie wanted to tote Luke around, she probably had him strapped to her at least half the time we were there.
My sweet baby!

My ornery crazy little girl!
Cowboy Xander!
Cowgirl Katelin!
Kinley wasn't too sure of the horse but Stormy was helping her out!
Hanging out!
Owen & Connor
Sage, Katelin, Evan & Xander

My climber!
Wonder what they were thinking!

Kinley the flower!
Katelin the caterpillar!


These boys!!!!
Overall I think the kids had a good time!
A couple pics of my can be hard to get a good one sometimes!

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