Monday, August 25, 2014

Johnson County Fair!

So remember my last post?!?!? An awesome family trip to the zoo! Well that same week we went to the fair wasn't quite as awesome!
It started out okay.....

we had some fair food which I wasn't real impressed with!
my wee little man looked as cute as can be......
this kid stole the second seat of the stroller which.... 
was intended for this little monkey! 
while we ate we listened to a great band!

Kinley was mesmerized by it! 
Then we headed to the area with the rides! Owen is so sweet with his baby sister! 
All these little cars had horns and there were multiple rides like this with lots of kids honking the horns and there were people everywhere, trying to maneuver a double stroller was nearly impossible....all these together plus Kinley getting fussy and Luke crying made far a very cranky daddy!

Chet also got asked if this little guy was his grandson....that didn't help his mood! 

 So I went on one final ride with these 3 kiddos and we headed home!
Not every outing can be fun with all our kiddos but usually we have a good time, I think we will wait a few years before attempting the fair again....maybe when we are beyond the stroller phase!!!!

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