Sunday, May 31, 2015

A pretty day in May.....

so we went outside and played with some sidewalk chalk......

Rylie is so talented!

Looking for the critter we heard in the window well, it was a toad!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Mother's Day was busy....I accidentally booked Katelin's birthday party for Mother's Day so we did that and then had to go help my grandma so not really any celebration but that's okay..... 
Chet and I the night before.....he is my rock and my best friend plus without him I wouldn't have all my beautiful babies!
And a few pics with my crew.............

Any my sweet babies very first mother's day!

I am one blessed mama!!!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Potty Training......Fail!!!!!

So I decided as soon as school got out that we would potty train. Kinley is 2 1/2, shows signs of readiness and her little tushie looks so cute in undies. The problem is she has always refused to sit on the potty whether it be the big potty or the little potty.

So I had her running around in just a shirt and I went to the kitchen to get breakfast ready, go back into the living room and she had found a swim diaper, put it on and peed in it. So I put everything up high so she couldn't do that again. 

She was not happy! 

A little later she had an accident in the living room and again went searching for a diaper. She did, however, happily help me clean it up.

So by noon when we had experience such an array of unhappy emotions I decided we aren't quite ready. I've done this enough times to know it cannot be forced (plus I don't want this to be a bad experience), we may try again in a few days, a few weeks or a few months....we will just wait and see how it goes!

Do you see what I see?!?!?!

There is something extra special on our you see it?
There are a lot of special things on my fridge......
my crazy busy calendar....
newborn pics of some of my babies.....

Luke's birthday invite.....
but do you see all the sport magnets? I've been collecting those for quite a few years now and I keep the most recent ones on the fridge and one of them is extra special this year.....

The one for Evan playing soccer! Of course they're all special but he was so excited to finally have a sports fridge magnet that it made my heart happy to finally be able to put one up on the fridge for him!!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Luke's 1st Birthday Bash!

Or should I say Monster Mash!
This is up there as one of my favorite birthday themes how it all turned out to celebrate my baby turning 1!
His adorable invitations designed by Designs by Debbie! 

All of the monster stuff..... 
and of course my little monster himself!
And yes....I even found him an adorable monster outfit!
I love how his cake turned out.....
I even had it dyed blue!
Chet said it looked like a memorial.... I thought all his pics were adorable.....
He had his own smash cake but didn't quite dig into it like he did on his actual birthday!

He got a lot of fun gifts and new clothes for this summer.... 

 and while I am sure he appreciates it all ..... 
and I know he looks adorable in his new clothes and loves playing with his new toys..... 
we all know 1st birthdays are a little more for the mama's than for the birthday baby..... 

and this mama sure appreciates everyone who helped me celebrate the incredible first year we've had with my sweet sweet little Lukey!
and with such an amazing 1st year.... I can't wait to see what life with this little dude has in store for us!


Monday, May 18, 2015


Katelin played soccer again this year and Evan tried it for the first is safe to say they both enjoy it very much!

First game day pic and last game day pic.

First soccer practice for Evan and Coop!

Evan had so much fun but I will say that I did not envy his coach.....he had 6 little rambunctious 4 year old boys who didn't always stay focused so well!

Evan just had fun, he was always excited to go to practice or games. Just look at the smile in these pretty much says it all!

On the sidelines at halftime playing with the grass.

Last game they got their medals....Evan told me that his medal was very special to him.

And these two crazy girls.....

were on a team together.....the Wild Things!

Katelin really enjoys soccer and she played hard.

She likes her teammates and had played with Sage and 2 other girls previously.
Her coach was good and she will probably continue to play with this team.

Very proud of my girl....

proud of both these girls!

The last game was a muddy muddy mess!

Luke wasn't feeling good during this game and pretty much slept through it, daddy kept him safe from the sun!

When these flew over at one of the games.....

this girl points and screams..."mama...airpane, airpane!"

So until this fall when soccer starts again!!!!

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