Thursday, May 7, 2015

Crazy Crazy K.....

For those of you who remember the craziness that was Katelin as a toddler well let me introduce her little carbon copy.....
my very own crazy Kinley!
She gets into anything and everything that she can....
such as Rylie's makeup
or paint.....
and if  you don't want her to join you in the shower then you better lock the door!

Rylie gave her a unibrow.....
and did her eye makeup
Oh and this girl and her bed head!
Breastfeeding her baby....just like mama!
My name is Princess Fussy Pants.....sounds about right!

Yeap.....that's my girl!

Wearing some pantyhose.....why not?
What???? You didn't know batman picked his nose!

So is CRAZY with this girl but oh how boring life would be without her. She is as sweet as she is crazy (when she wants to be) and she makes us smile and laugh soooo my Kinbear and I wouldn't change a thing about her!

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