Monday, May 18, 2015


Katelin played soccer again this year and Evan tried it for the first is safe to say they both enjoy it very much!

First game day pic and last game day pic.

First soccer practice for Evan and Coop!

Evan had so much fun but I will say that I did not envy his coach.....he had 6 little rambunctious 4 year old boys who didn't always stay focused so well!

Evan just had fun, he was always excited to go to practice or games. Just look at the smile in these pretty much says it all!

On the sidelines at halftime playing with the grass.

Last game they got their medals....Evan told me that his medal was very special to him.

And these two crazy girls.....

were on a team together.....the Wild Things!

Katelin really enjoys soccer and she played hard.

She likes her teammates and had played with Sage and 2 other girls previously.
Her coach was good and she will probably continue to play with this team.

Very proud of my girl....

proud of both these girls!

The last game was a muddy muddy mess!

Luke wasn't feeling good during this game and pretty much slept through it, daddy kept him safe from the sun!

When these flew over at one of the games.....

this girl points and screams..."mama...airpane, airpane!"

So until this fall when soccer starts again!!!!

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