Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Luke on the move......

Unfortunately I didn't keep up with blogging as much as I'd of liked during Luke's first year but I am still trying to catch up and document some of the important things!

At 8 months Luke started doing what I call an army/bear crawl/ was sort of a strange little crawl but...... 

but it didn't take him long to get crawling down and man he could crawl fast!

At 11 months he was walking.....

and very proud of himself....

of course there are times he still stumbles but he is pretty good at it now!

He is definitely (although slowly) slimming down since becoming mobile and when he's been on the move he will come over to me and his head is sweaty so I know he is burning those calories! He will still crawl some but walking is definitely his preferred mode of mobility!

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