Friday, May 15, 2015

Luke's Birth Story

This may very well have been the fastest year of my life. I wanted it to go slow so I could relish every second with my last little baby. A year ago he spent his last night all snug and warm in my belly and now he is my sweet, walking, smiling about to be 1 year old.
I didn't post a lot throughout my pregnancy, it was a pretty easy non problematic one. I was shocked when I passed my glucose test since I was diabetic with Kinley. I also didn't take a lot of pregnant pics....I wasn't exactly one of those cute little pregnant people. And life since Luke has been busy which is why it has taken me a year to post his birth story.
Bittersweet....this one really is the last. I'm sad but also excited about the next phase of parenthood.
My C-section had been scheduled for May 16 for quite some time. I was scheduled for 9am which meant we had to be at the hospital at 7am. I got up early and showered and double and triple checked that I had everything. Woke up Chet and we headed out by 6:30. My mom got the kids up and took them to Debbie so she could take the older ones to school and she watched the little ones. The morning was very chilly, one of the coldest on record for that day. Up until this point it seemed surreal and I wasn't real nervous but arriving at the hospital changed all that. I remember walking through the doors of the maternity unit and it just hit me, I got a lump in my throat and I really had to hold back the tears....a combo of nerves and excitement!
Many people assume that by #6 you don't have the nerves and excitement like with the first few but that just isn't true. Each one is different, each one is special and this was my first scheduled C-section which was a whole other level of nervousness. With my prior C-sections I didn't have time to think about having major surgery, I only thought about my baby being in distress and needing to be born.
My last pic EVER being pregnant....a few hours before surgery.

Things were running a little ahead of schedule. Dr. Proffitt (who is amazing) came in held my hand and talked to me about the surgery and asked about a dozen times if I was certain about the tubal. He also predicted a 12 lb baby with the disclaimer that he is often wrong by 4 lbs one way or the other. He performed my C-section with Kinley and I really like him, he has a great bedside manner. 

Jeane also came in and talked to me, she had to run to the office but she assured me she would be back in time for surgery. She has delivered or assisted (with the c-sections) with all my births except Rylie, it just wouldn't be the same without her there and I am so grateful to have had her be such a huge part of my journey of motherhood.
Typically only one person is allowed back and that of course would be Chet, however, if the anesthesiologist would allow another than Natalie could also come back and record for us but most won't allow it. I guess we got lucky and got the right guy because he allowed her back.
Rylie was excited to be at the hospital
So while they suited up, I got wheeled back to the OR. If you've never been in an OR it is a very bright, white, cold room. Jeane met me there and sat with me and held my hands while I received the spinal, I remember I was shivering....I guess a combo of nerves and being cold (like Jeane said....she'd be concerned if I wasn't nervous). They got me all settled on the table and I started feeling nauseous from the meds but they have more meds to get rid of the nausea. Chet and Natalie came back and they began.
I was a little surprised at how long it took because I am used to baby needing to be out right away but this time they could take their time so while it wasn't long it was longer than the others. While a C-section isn't painful during it (the pain comes during recovery)you do feel pressure. I tend to forget how much pressure. Jeane said your going to feel some pressure and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, in the video you see why.....Jeane using all her force to push down on my uterus to help Luke out. Of course like every aspect of birth it is worth it because at 9:14 am my littlest love entered the world.
As they were getting him out Jeane said she saw dark hair and then said Shannon....he has a triple chin, I'm not kidding! Dr.Proffitt held him up but all I saw was his feet, butt and his baby boy parts! But I heard him cry and that's all I needed at that moment and the tears began streaming down my face as well. See the lady smiling with her eyes.... looking at Luke? Not sure her name but she was awesome, kept talking to me telling me what was happening (she was also pregnant with her second baby)!

8lb 6.9oz of pure perfection. The smallest of my baby boys but still bigger than any of my girls. 
Daddy meeting Luke....I love that he held his hand, I was listening intently to his cries eagerly anticipating getting to see him.
The umbilical cord....he no longer needed me at least not for survival, I'm pretty sure it will be a long time before I no longer feel needed by my sweet baby. 
Me on the operating table. I tend to zone out in my own little world during my C-sections. I love my birthing team because everyone is talking and laughing and while I may not hear all that is being said I hear the mood in the room and it brings me a lot of comfort. Jeane usually asks me how I'm doing and tells me what's going on and I, of course, answer her but I'm also praying for my baby and imagining what he/she will be like. It's almost like I'm meditating, it helps keep me calm during a somewhat scary experience. I do remember everyone talking about how many kids we had and Jeane saying how I could handle it and saying I was a good mom who took care of my is always nice to hear things like that and especially from someone I respect so much!
Finally....I get to see him and touch him. At that moment that is honestly all I needed was to touch him...........
and when I saw this sweet was love at first sight..... immediate indescribable love!
I love this is a view of the operating room! 
We had been in a toss up on names, I liked both Logan Garret and Luke Dylan but Chet really wanted Luke. We had agreed to wait until we saw him. When Chet brought him over I told him to pick. He said well it's Luke Dylan then, I think that was definitely the right choice. 

I really can't say enough about Jeane and Dr. Proffitt....they make a great team. And they both came over to admire our latest masterpiece!

Everyone is admiring him here! 

 While they finished putting me back together and getting me situated.....
Daddy and Luke were getting to know each other!
Then it was time to leave the operating room and head back to the room....Luke had a few very special people waiting to meet him!
Rylie was excited to be at the hospital this time and of course Grammy was nervously waiting to meet her 9th grandbaby! 
I think they were in love! 
They wanted to hold him but they waited so I could finally hold my baby boy *sigh* 
Aunt Natty has been there through all my deliveries, I am so grateful to her.....she is an awesome support to me and takes lots and lots of pics!!!!!
And to this guy.....he is very calming to me. We've had several scares while having all these kids and he talks me through it, holds my hand, doesn't complain as I squeeze his hand and he gave me the family I always dreamed of! Seriously....couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy! of my favorite people ever! She is amazing and she's delivered all my babies except Rylie. She has been with me through my entire journey of motherhood, she keeps her calm no matter what is happening and I'm so grateful to have had her be there during some of the most special events of my life.

Of course the most important person of the entire day was my new little guy....I was perfectly content just staring at him.
Perfect completion to our family!
There were a few other people very anxious to meet little Luke.....


Evan liked him but didn't want to hold him...... I think Kinley thought he was a doll, she tried to grab him off Katelin's lap but after she was told no she really wanted nothing to do with him and she also wanted nothing to do with me. I was still stuck in bed with the catheter, tubes in my arm and these things on my she wouldn't sit with me or anything.
They love their new brother!
It was a lot to have all the kids up there. Chet stayed the first night with me but after that it was just Luke and I a lot, which was good. Chet brought the kids up 1 more time and he came up some on his own or my mom would come up and stay for a while but I spent a lot of time just Luke and I....we enjoyed our one on one time, I knew it wouldn't be so easy to get that alone time once we got home!

I didn't get pics with everyone but we did have lots of visitors!
I love this picture! 


We sure do make cute people! 

 After 2 days in the hospital it was time to go home.....I was ready, I missed my kids, I don't sleep well without Chet there and Kinley was still a baby and being away from her was hard. Grammy kept the other kids and Chet and Rylie came up to get me and Luke. It was a little after noon on Sunday.

He just blended in perfectly to our doubt in my mind that he was meant to be!
We love you Luke.....forever and always!

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