Monday, October 18, 2010

Evans 2 month Check-up

So Evan had his 2 month well check today and he weighed in at 13lbs 15.5oz (90%) and 23 1/2 in. (50%-75%). I'm taking Evans pic on the 15th of every month with our giant teddy bear so here he is at 1 month and then at 2 months.

1 month

2 months

He is such a smiley little guy anymore, even though he's had this horrible mucusy cough. His doctor said his lungs are clear and she is wondering if he aspirated during his birth and it can cause this and can last for several months. Noone ever said anything about him aspirating so I don't know I just hope it goes away soon, I feel sorry for my little guy. He's too little to feel icky.

I love this smile!

I thought it would be neat to compare Evans weight to the other kids.......Rylie was 12lbs 3oz, Owen was 13lbs 14oz and Katelin was 12lbs 7oz at 2 months old.  So Evan is the biggest but not by much, him and Owen were only 3oz different in birth weight.

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