Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Parties and Pumpkin Carving

We had fall parties at school on Friday. Since they aren't allowed to have Halloween parties anymore (which I think is stupid but I guess my opinion doesn't matter on that), they have vocabulary parties. They dress up to match their vocabulary word! Kindergarten does colors but since Owen is morning kdg. they weren't in the parade so he wore his Chiefs shirt since it was also favorite sports team day!
Favorite sports team day. Go Chiefs!

Owen during his class party (notice Katelin by his side eating his treats)
Rylie's class made costumes out of recycled material during school and her word was "silly"! They had their parade and then we went back to her classroom for her party!

The treats I made for Ry's class.

Silly RyRy during the parade.

No outing is complete without Katelin doing something......she soaked herself in the water fountain,
gotta love my crazy little girl!

How cute are they???? She loves to show off her baby brother!

They raced in teams to wrap up a classmate as a mummy.

After a busy day at school we ordered some pizza and carved pumpkins the kids had a lot of fun.

We let Rylie and Owen draw their own faces on their pumpkins and they did an awesome job!

I love how Owen's is so unique to him, it makes me smile everytime I see it!

 Can we say Pumpkin head????

And we can't leave out my little pumpkin...
holding his little pumpkin!

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