Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

Today we went to the pumpkin patch, it was absolutely beautiful and the kids were so well behaved. It was a great day, had lots of fun, got some pumpkins and lots of pics!

My sweet girl and I.

The kids insisted we have a family pic sitting on the hay!

The train at KC pumpkin patch.

There are no words to describe how much I love this sweet baby boy of mine!

My 4 favorite little people in the world.

 I'm usually behind the camera taking pictures and usually not in them but daddy had it today so he took some pics of me with the kiddos, all but Katelin who refused to pose.
Me and my Owen.

My mini me.

My baby boy.

Look at that face!

Daddy and his little shadow.



Tuckered out after a busy day.

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