Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sleeping, Baking and Hat Day!!!!

Well I am very happy to report that Evan slept throught the night for the first time last night! I laid him in his bassinet at 11pm and he woke up at 6am. I hope he does it again tonight, not expecting it but hoping.

It was also "hat day" at school today for the kids so here are some pics of them with their hats on.

And fall parties are tomorrow so Owen and Katelin helped me bake mini cupcakes for his party and when Rylie got home from school she helped icing them. I'm doing a peanut/mm/candy corn mix in lil' pumpkins for Rylies party.

Ready to make cupcakes.


Katelins already asking when does she get to eat a cupcake!
Mixing our ingredients.

Stirring the batter.

Tasting the batter. (My favorite part)

Icing the cupcakes.

And finally eating a cupcake!

Then we sprinkled them

and our finished treats!

And while we were doing all this......
 my sweet boy sat in his chair cooing and smiling the entire time!

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