Monday, October 25, 2010

Who would do such a thing??????

We have had a mysterious art bandit leaving their sketches all over the place....

                                bathroom drawer                                   

                                                                    my slipper

                                                                   rubber duck


                                                                 even the pottychair!

So I put all writing utensils waaaaaaay up high so little fingers can't reach them but...........
                                                  one of them must have escaped because......

                                                          I found this and

Any guesses on who would do such a thing??????   I will give you a few hints........

She has pretty blond curls, big beautiful blue eyes and the sweetest smile you'll ever see!
Looks sure can be deceiving!!! :)

Yeap! That's right, my wonderful, crazy little Katelin, that's who!!!!

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