Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 post # 1

I have to say Christmas was very good this wasn't without stress, it wasn't without whining and it wasn't without a 2 year old tantrum but these things were all kept to a minimum! When you have 4 kids your just not going to avoid all of these, even over the holidays!

We don't often see Chet's family over the holidays but this year we did go over there on christmas eve, we had 6 of our 7 kids (Jakee had to work), 3 of his 4 brothers (Daniel was with his fiance and her family) & of course Chester and Doris! Hopefully we can do it again next year and have everybody there! We hada great time.

This was taken shorty before we left for Chet's parents house on xmas eve......after I had been a little upset with everyone because nobody was helping me clean up and get everything ready to go, so one of those moments with stress and whining but it was shortlived! Then my sweet little girl curled up with my sweet big of those awwwww moments!
 Uncle Stephen and Owen had fighting matches throughout the night, Owen kept yelling "I'm tapping out", it was pretty funny!
 This is what you would call a forced smile.
 I really wish Jakee could have been here with us but she works retail so this is a busy time of year for them. Here is all the other kids together.
 Katelin with her gifts from Grandma and Papa
 Owen playing with his new transformer.
 Rylie got makeup, nailpolish and a bath set.
 The older boys left before we took this but here's Grandma and Papa with the 4 kids.
We headed home around 9 and got home about made bedtime a little rough. The kids were hyped up and we still had to set out milk and cookies, get jammies on, brush teeth and all that stuff so it was pretty late by the time they got to bed , luckily they were all sound asleep in time for Santa to get to our house.

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