Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Morning!

I snapped a picture of each of my kids this morning and luckily they all had a smile on their face but let me tell's not always a fun road in the morning!!!

My day usually starts to me waking up shortly before the alarm goes off and then I get to see the face of my sweet smiling baby boy...
How could this not put a smile on your face in the morning!
He usually sits in his bouncy chair cooing and happy while I go wake up the bear.....
See that pretty face, it's not quite that pretty when I am trying to wake her up! She is a grouch in the morning and I dread waking her but I HAVE to. I usually hear "i'm tired", "i'm cold" and " I don't want to go to school". Then she wants me to pick out her clothes but often doesn't like what I pick out.....sometimes I just can't win with this one but I sure do love her and when she is happy and sweet it mostly makes up for her grouchiness.
Then I move into Owens room and he used to be my little happy kid in the morning, wakes up easily and happily but here lately he's been kind of whiny in the morning! I'm starting to think they teach kids in school how to become morning grumps for their parents.
Usually once he gets going he's okay, kind of a 50/50 deal here lately. He no longer lets his sister walk him to class, he walks there by himself.

Sometime during the morning hussle and bustle this cute little blond makes her appearance....

and yes she is usually in just a diaper. I really do put jammies on her but she takes them off and remember, I have to pick my battles and that's just not one worth fighting! I can say she is usually pretty happy in the morning, she will often snuggle with Rylie for a bit and as soon as the big kids leave she asks to watch Mickey Mouse of course!

And I can't big growly bear in the morning.....
Actually he's been waking up in a pretty good mood lately and I can't complain because it's winter so he's home a lot more and he takes the kids to school so I don't have to get the little ones out. And if he does have a job he tries to schedule it so he can drop the kids off on his way to our lot, just another one of the gazillion reasons why I love him so much!

Well there is not a picture of me as you can see but let me assure the mornings before all this begins I get dressed in a cute flattering outfit ( one that takes about 20lbs off), I do my hair, you should see it, it looks so cute and of course I have all my makeup on. Like I said there isn't a pic so you'll just have to take my word for it.

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