Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 Post #2

Well Santa made it to our house and let me tell you.....he was very nice to our kids! They have been very good kids this year and I am super proud of them and apparenty so is Santa!!!!

I had to wake up everyone at 8:30....I know, seriously??? What kids not up at the crack of dawn, any other morning they would of had me up by at least 7:30! After presents and laying around for a while, Grammy made waffles (on her 2 new waffle irons, one makes circus animals) and breakfast pizza. Uncle Brandin, Aunt Natty, Haylie, Dylan and Xander came over for breakfast and a few more gifts.

So.........what did Santa bring????

Rylie got a nice karaoke machine, which will play an Ipod, plays CD's, has a video camera on it, and it's a radio. She also had a Taylor Swift karaoke machine in her stocking.
 She loves to sing and dance and role play so she should have a lot of fun with this.
Owen got a whole bunch of nerf things....a gun, a tactical vest, a target, bball hoop, a sword and lots of ammo!
Owen is a true rough and tumble little boy, he likes guns and swords so this will definitely keep him busy.
My crazy little Katelin wouldn't get out of bed so we let the big kids start without her, she eventually joined in and she had a cool new art desk filled with color wonder art supplies! Now all she really wanted from Santa was a baby and a bottle and a binky and some milk. Luckily Santa last minute decided he better have a baby for her even though she has about 20 already. So he got her a little baby with a binky and a bottle. Her first question was where is her I explained that we had to pretend with the milk!

After she opened several presents she just wanted to play, she was done opening gifts and refused to open anymore so she let Rylie open them for her, it was pretty funny!
And of course my sweet little Evan.....he got a fun toy cube and a sweet new puppy dog to cuddle with. Mommy and Daddy got him a new exersaucer which he Loves!

He has legs like tree trunks, he is such a chunk and already can get himself bouncing in this.
We, of course, cannot forget the biggest kid of all................

So as you can see we had a great Christmas.....the day was spent with singing, loud loud singing, nerf gun fights, remote control truck races, crying baby dolls and lots of playing and wearing new clothes. We went to my Grandmas in the afternoon, she got all of the kids a pillow pet.

Celebrating at Nanny's house........

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