Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like christmas.....

at least around our house it is! While winter is my least favorite season it is bearable because christmas is my most favorite holiday, and there are a few tell tale signs that it is just around the corner..........

such as the cutest little santa's helper that I have ever seen!

The stockings are all hung, well all but Evans which is on backorder but will be here in time for Santa (and yes that is the wires to the tree lights that my redneck husband stapled to the wall so the puppys wouldn't chew on it, hey at least he didn't use ducktape.)
 Mr. Big head has made his appearance in our living room, one of my favorite snowmen ever!
 Our santa plate is out for display until we fill it with cookies and carrots on xmas eve. (Again Evan's name will be added before the big day)

The presents are all wrapped and under the tree. And with the exception of a few small items, all the xmas shopping is DONE! So we will spend December doing fun things such as baking, visiting Santa, polar express night, driving around looking at lights.... so stay tuned for lots of fun pictures!

 The nativity scene is out and on display, however it is often being played with by my children. I wasn't going to let them play with it but there eyes light up every year when we get it out and I think it is one of there favorite things to do at xmas and they are making memories they will never forget. I try to instill in my kids that xmas is about celebrating the birth of jesus but it is also about making special memories and this is a way they get to enjoy both.
 And what could be sweeter than my own little angel taking baby jesus and as she says his mom and dad to bed with her!
Oh, I almost forgot to show you how everyone outside of our house knows xmas is near......

These pictures really doesn't do it justice, it looks very pretty. It's simple but pretty. No offense to anyone because I believe it's to each their own but I hate the big blow up decorations or when people just have decorations all over there yard, I just think it looks tacky but I like how ours turns out, it makes me smile everytime we pull into our driveway at night:)

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Looks like you are busy! I had stopped following since you did take a break from blogging, but I'll have to keep on checking back now that Iknow you are on again. Your family is beautiful!

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