Thursday, December 16, 2010

Polar Express Night

We had our annual polar express night on Saturday! What is that? Well let me tell you......

Brandin, Natalie, Haylie, Dylan and Xander all come over and this year I made my yummy beef stew for dinner and then the kids get to open up a present from Grammy and every year this present contains the same couple of items:
Christmas jammies (at this point, Katelin refused to put hers on)

Finally she put them on (i'm sure a bribe must have been used)
They also got their yearly X-mas ornaments

And this year they had one extra gift.....
personalized mugs for well......

hot chocolate, of drink while we watch polar express!

Can you guess what we did after presents?!?

Good Guess.....we did, of course, watch polar express just not quite yet because we had to make our gingerbread houses!!!!

I won't mention any names (the one with a spoon in her mouth) but a certain someone ate her decor faster than she could build it!!!

We did finally watch polar express which Katelin and Dylan slept through.......but the kids at a great night so as our tradition goes we will do it all again next year!!!!

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