Monday, December 20, 2010


Let me tell you about our santa experiences this year........

First we went to the mall to see what the kids and I are pretty sure is the "real" santa! He is the exact same as he was when I took Rylie to see him 8 years ago and we've been going ever since. (It is pretty neat to look at all the pics and see the same santa in every one!)

To my surprise, Katelin refused to sit with or talk to him so I am in the pic and she is clinging to me, not so pretty!!! But the other kids did great and Rylie told him that she wants a karaoke machine and Owen told him that he wants a nerf gun. I'm pretty confident that Santa will oblige:)

So I being the way I always looking for cool things to do and I found something really cool! At the legends there was the Santa experience which included writing a letter with the elves, meeting santa, making a craft, decorating a cookie with Mrs. C and playing with what is like real snow but really isn't!

Well in sucked! The picture turned out Ok but there were only 3 elves and they were weird and didn't really help with anything, Santa didn't know how to talk to kids, the craft was stupid and there was no Mrs. C and no cookies, instead there was reindeer food which was cereal and M&M's. The snow was kinda cool but not that cool! So we will not be making this a new tradition, we'll just stick with seeing the "real" santa at the mall!!!

Also as promised a few posts ago, Evan went to the doctor today and I have his stats. Since I know everyone has been waiting in anticipation for them:
He weighs in at 17lbs 9oz (90-95%), 26" in length (90%), and  a 17" head (75%).
I also get to start him on rice cereal which I did tonight and he actually took it pretty well for his first feeding.
So he is doing great and growing great and I just love him to pieces!!!! And of course I need to share a picture of him so here you go.....
And I have a new obsession and it is a program I was able to download to edit my pictures and man am I having fun with I added this pic as the header on my blog but if you receive this in your email you won't see it so I will share it with you and expect to see more edited pics because it's a lot of fun and there is so much cool stuff I can do with it!

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