Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Evan Wade - 10 Months

My sweet baby boy is 10 months old today! And he is such a joy! I'm sure i've mentioned this before but just in case I haven't.....let me tell you............I LOVE LOVE LOVE this boy of mine soooooo much!

Just look at this sweet little could I not?!?!
I don't think I ever shared Evans 9 month stats.....He weighed in at 22lbs 15 oz (75%-90%) and was 29.5" long (75%-90%). I don't think he's grown too much in the past month!
He Loves to eat and I still haven't found a food that he doesn't like......he even got something new......
 His own highchair, he had been using Katelin's booster chair thing and now he has his own and he puts it to good use!
He loves the big kids and will laugh at them all the time...........and he loves anything with wheels! Pushing cars around is a big hit especially when his big brother is with him!
He has his bottom 2 teeth and his top 2 are just starting to break through. He is still nursing but really likes his bottles too, I think he will be ready to wean around his birthday!

He has let go and stood on his own a couple of times but just doesn't show much interest in walking, he does just fine crawling wherever he wants to go.

And he is still the happiest little baby and these past 10 months have been so much fun with our little Evan!

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