Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

There are not words to describe what our Daddy means to us! He is the Rock of our family, my best friend and the greatest Daddy and the greastest Man that I have ever known.

Just a few of the things that we love about Daddy:
*He is the hardest working man that I know.
*He would do anything to provide for and protect his family.
*He makes us laugh.......a lot!
*He puts himself last a lot in order to make his kids happy.
*He can be rather grumpy but is so quick to apologize when he is.
*He is friendly and well liked by most who know him.
*He is a self taught mechanic and all around handy man (saves a lot of money on home repair).
*He loves his kids and wife more than anything in this world.
*We know this because he shows us everyday.
*He is not afraid to cry.
*He is not afraid to Love.
*He is a hands on Daddy.....plays with the kids, attends important events and gives hugs and kisses everyday.
*He never hangs up the phone or goes to bed without telling us that he Loves us!

I could go on and on and on because he really is just that wonderful!

When I met Chet he had already been a Dad for 15 years to Matthew, Cheston and Jakee and I saw how much he loved them and knew what an awesome Dad he would be and he has not let me down. Nothing means more to him than his 7 kids. He loved them all from the moment he met each one of them!
I wish I had pictures of him with the 3 older kids during their first moments together! Top row: Rylie, Owen Bottom Row: Katelin, Evan
With the 4 kids this Father's Day!

 Although this picture probably better represents life with these 4.....always a little crazy and chaotic!
Here's my Lumberjack.....this is a good picture of represents him well......Hardworking and Goofy all at the same time!!! Sure do Love him!!!
And this Father's Day was just a little bit extra special because just every sooo often he get's to share his day with Rylie......her birthday fell on Father's day this year!!!!
Honey.....Always remember how much we Love you and how much we appreciate you, I try to show you everyday but I know sometime I don't and I know often the kids don't but we do.....more than you will ever know!!!

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