Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spiders and Frogs......Oh My!!!

Living in the country we see lots of critters and sometimes these 3 kids of mine like to catch them.....

and on this day.........
 this poor toad was their victim.....

 it got caught and toted around and then......

they let it go! What???? Did you really think I was going to say they did something mean! Not my kiddos they all have the kindest of hearts and they know how to treat all the little critters........

I, on the other hand............found a critter that didn't have such a kind fate! was in my house! was HUGE!
And YES.....i'm pretty sure that is an egg sack on it's back!
And No.....I did not get that close to get a picture, I put my zoom lens on my camera!

Now I do not like spiders but when I see one I will kill big deal.
That is until I see one big enough to eat one of my kids and one that has more hair than my husband!
Of Course, noone was home to kill this spider for me so that left me with a dilemma. For about an hour I kept checking to make sure it was still there because I didn't want it to go somewhere and let it's eggs hatch. I kept calling Chet (who hates spiders more than me) and he kept telling me that I had to kill it before it got away. He suggested that I get the air rifle and shoot it.....Yeah Right!  Then I went to check and it was gone........luckily it had just moved to the side of the step.
I finally realized something had to be done so...............
I went across the street and got my neighbor!
Thank Goodness he was home, he came over and he squashed it for me. He even wrapped it up and disposed of it at his house so it was far far away from me. So Thank You saved the day!

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