Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rylie's Birth Story!

9 years ago life changed forever!

In the most wonderful, most magical, most amazing way possible........I became a mother!

I couldn't even begin to imagine the feeling of being a mom until I became one. The most complete, incredible amazing love ever!

Thank you Rylie for giving me the most amazing gift ever, the gift of being a mom. I have been blessed 4 times over with this gift and I have loved every moment of it!

However, Rylie made quite the Dramatic entrance into this world! She was due on June 7th 2002. A fairly easy pregnancy, I gained 40lbs, had mild morning sickness and was soooo excited to meet my baby girl. Well the days came and the days went and No baby. I had gone to the hospital once with contractions and was told by a nurse that they couldn't imagine i'd be sent home because I was past my due date. Guess What???? Yes, they sent me home. I was scheduled for an induction on June 19th.

 So I went to the hospital on the night of June 18th to have cervidil put in. I started to contract that night and was in a lot of pain. The nurse came in to check on me and I was in tears. She told me I should have called her, i'm not sure why she didn't do anything. Shortly after Rylie started to have decelerations in her heart rate so they took the cervadil out, she wasn't liking it so well.

We survived the night and they started pitocin the next morning, she continued to have heart rate decelerations, everything was kind of a blur. I knew Jeane at this point but she was just finishing her residency so one of the other midwives, Sam, was with me. All of a sudden all these people came rushing in the room, someone told me I was going for an emergency c-section, they gave me this nasty drink (to neutralize the acids in my stomach), shaved me (you know.....down below), unplugged my bed and were literally running me to the O.R. I know I was more scared than I had ever been in my life.

Chet and Natalie got suited up in some cute little outfits and my arms were stretched out to my sides and  I was numbed up. They were pinching me with these little pliers asking if I felt pain, well it didn't hurt but I could feel it so I was afraid to say yes because I did not want to feel being cut but they explained I was just feeling the pressure. I always assumed c-sections were pain free.....well they are not. The pressure was incredible, it felt as though they were piling weights on my stomach.

Chet says I kept kinda passing out and then coming to and he thought I was dying so the anesthetheologist had to reassure him that it was normal and I was okay. I remember  seeing Sam on her knees on the table, she was holding my belly open while the doctor got Rylie out, apparently she was in there pretty good (and she is still stubborn to this day) but at 9:44 am Rylie Jo Michelle Farage entered this world weighing 7lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. She had passed meconium so they took her straight over to be checked out. Shortly after they gave her to Chet and I got to meet my beautiful baby girl. She had brown hair and the sweetest little bambi eyes that I have ever seen. Dr. Piquard even showed Chet where Rylie had been living, it was really more of me than he ever needed to see!

I was wheeled to recovery and she was taken for a more thorough check. Shortly after my mom walked in with her and said "look who I got", I began to cry and said that I hadn't even got to hold her yet so she quickly handed her to her mama. And that was the beginning of my amazing journey into motherhood.

 My bff Mandy and my grandparents were waiting while I was in surgery and Matthew, Cheston and Jakee came up to meet her shortly after she was born. It was one of the scariest things i've ever gone through, definitely not the birth experience I expected but the end result was absolute perfection and that is really all that matters. I'm pretty sure this was also one of the scariest moments for both Chet and my mom. I've been blessed that with my other 3 I was able to VBAC and have incredible birth experiences. And even though it wasn't the ideal thing it was still a good experience and it fits Rylie to a tee......dramatic, stubborn, she came into this world as the center of attention and she still likes to be the center of little drama queen!!!

 And here we are 9 years later........

Rylie is so many things......she is the greatest big sister always helping me with the younger kids, fixing their boo boos, playing with them, and well......telling them what to do. She has a heart of gold, alway wanting to do for others and make them happy. She will gladly spend her money on someone else, bring me a drink when I am sick  or whatever it may be to make someone smile. She loves music, Taylor Swift is her favorite (she even got to meet and hug her a couple years back). Purple is her favorite color, she loves mexican food and eating marshmellows. She does awesome in school and is loved by all her teachers and classmates. And despite the fact that she is very LOUD at home, at school she is very quiet.

My Ry Ry......she is my special girl and even though she drives me crazy challenges me a lot sometimes......I love her soooo much so Happy Birthday sweet girl, never ever forget how incredibly special you are to us!!!

Turning 1
 Turning 2
 Tuning 3
 Turning 4
 I can not find the pics from her 5th birthday, her princess party (I will find them and add them later) but for now here is a pic right before she turned 5 with her preschool graduation cake.

Turning 6
 Turning 7
 Turning 8

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