Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Festival on The Trails!!!

So Saturday we got a special treat.............DONUTS!!!!

 One of my kids has a special way to eat a donut.....
 The big kids like the long Johns and they do not leave any behind....
 and little Evan doesn't get donuts yet so that leaves my crazy little Katelin! That girl, I tell ya, she has her own special way to do everything!!!
 So after donuts and running a few errands we went out to "Festival on The Trails", it's just a fun little thing that our little town puts together!

They had firetrucks!
 And a police car, which Owen was super excited about. He wants to be a cop when he grows up!
 I sure hope these girls are never in the back of one of these!
 There was lots to do out there.....
 The girls got their hair colored!

They were giving tatoos!
 And Katelin made a fruit loop necklace!
 We had some hot dogs for lunch and, of course......
 some yummy funnel cake!!!
 Are you wondering where Evan was at????

He was with us, mostly riding in the stroller but got to spend a little time on Grammy's shoulders!
 We went on a wagon ride.....well most of us! Katelin threw a HUGE tantrum (between being tired, hot and scared to ride on the wagon she just had to let it all out and boy did she ever!) So Grammy stayed behind with her.

 The wagon took us to the little museum and they had a tent set up!

Daddy had to work which was a bummer but we had a good time and it was a beautiful day!!!!

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