Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dance Recital!

Well....the dance recital didn't go quite as I had planned. The rehersal was 2 days ago and the girls all did great. Katelin got ready and went backstage without any fuss, then I got to sit in the lobby and entertain the boys for 3 was a long day but I was so happy Katelin went back without any problems and of course the big girls went right back!

We got home and I took some pics of the girls!

I am so proud of my incredible girl, it is amazing how far she has come. We tried dance when she was about 3 and couldn't even get her in the room, then she tried soccer shortly after and would only stand in the field and play with her hair. She is my shy anxious girl and man has she grown so much. Doing volleyball, trying soccer again and then dance. She has decided she doesn't want to do dance again but she stuck it out with her hip hop this year and was amazing during the recital!

And then there is Katelin! My child that is not nearly as shy and will try things without hesitation so the recital should have been no problem but as a parent you learn to expect the unexpected. She has been clingier than usual with me lately and doesn't like the costumes and the hair and makeup but she did so good at dress rehersal that I thought the recital would go off without a hitch but I was wrong. It wasn't the most organized thing, there were people everywhere and it was overwhelming especially for a little girl who just turned 4. Plus she is sniffling and had a restless nights sleep last night so she appears to be coming down with something.

I've seen the parents who will force their kids to go even though they're in tears or they get mad and try to make them feel bad for not going. I am not that parent, Katelin was clinging to me with big tears coming down, I refuse to traumatize her and make her go when she is scared. And I won't get mad and make her feel bad, she just turned 4.....she didn't even know what a recital really was before this week so I don't blame her for being's a LOT to take in. I will admit it was a tad disappointing to see her class on stage for her 2 dances and not see her up there with them but it is just a brief moment in the life of this amazingly special little girl I have so not a big deal. It was a bit pricey to do the recital so unless I feel she is definitely ready.....this fall we will just do dance class and opt out of the recital. It won't bother me.....this dance mom stuff isn't for me, not sure how those pagent moms can do it and I just feel sorry for those girls.

So here she is with her flowers....i'm still just as proud of her and she looked so cute in her costume!

And like I said Rylie and Abby did an awesome job, I couldn't be prouder of them and they looked incredible with their hip hop costumes.....with their flowers and dance trophies after the show.
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1 comment:

Rachel said...

It makes me smile to see Riley's personality really starting to shine! I love that she is allowing others to see what cool fun beautiful girl she is!! Way to go Riley!! I'm proud if you!!

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