Sunday, August 5, 2012

4th of July......

was over a month ago and i'm finally blogging about it!
Really not a lot to share, a pretty laid back day......the first couple of years we lived here we had big 4th of July parties at our house but it cost a lot of money and we got stuck with all the clean up so this and last year have been more laid back!

We took the kids to the pool for about an hour which was nice it was almost closing time and nobody was there.

Then we headed to the park to watch fireworks.....look at my beauties......

We had some time to kill so Daddy and O played some football....

We hung out by this big hill and what do kids like to do when there is a big hill.....

well.....roll down it.....

what else would they want to do?!?!?!?

This one kept trying to run off....good thing Daddy was there to chase him down (because mama ain't moving to quickly these days!)

We had some treats for the kids.....skittles....can you tell?!?!?

Then everyone found their spot.....

and we watched the show....which was truly spectacular this year!!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your 4th of July was more exciting than ours...I didn't want to leave the house! Paul was gone. I ended up taking the kids to the mall. And it took an hour to get home from there.

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