Thursday, August 30, 2012

On the last day of summer break......

we got out the old playdoh and made some masterpieces.....

I took some pics of the kids working with the playdoh and I cannot look at this series of pics without laughing out loud, just look at Evan in the following pics......


Do I have him trained to smile for the camera or what?
He finally got tired of posing!
Rylie made a gorgeous flower! 
Evan made himself a sandwich! 
And Katelin made a very colorful ball! 
And one more that my darling "ladylike" first born made..... is poop, she wanted to try to trick someone with it!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Play-Doh. We had a few days of those fun creating days this summer. I love that my kids love it. My OCD has to go into hiding though! The mixing of the colors. AACCKKK!
And the poop...yes. They all think it's funny don't they?
And kind of is!

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