Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to 2011........I expect this to be a Great year, not that 2010 wasn't because it was a spectacular year, how could it not be...............
this little guy joined our family and man do I Love this baby of mine!!!

In fact, if I haven't mentioned it before, I sure do love all 4 of my kiddos. I feel awfully blessed to be their mommy. Sometimes, in those very rare moments I have time to sit and do nothing, I can't believe I have 4 kids.
To fully appreciate what this means we have to go back 20 some years......I was that kid, the one who loved babies. If their was a baby around I would hold it, walk it, play with it for hours if I could. I wanted to have like 30 of my own.....of course, as I got a little older I came to my senses and only wanted 10-12 ( just kidding)!
Anyway....back to the new year! I'm not a big resolution maker but I do have a few for this year:
1. To lose weight....not try but to do it. I have a plan and I think I have the right mindset to do it!
2. To be organized and have the kids keep their rooms clean. We spent the past 3 days going through and organizing their rooms to make this easier, again I am confident we can do this!
3. To cook and eat healthier, part of my plan for #1.
4. To do as many blog post as I want.....I tend to be a worrier about silly things and i'm always worried that those of you who recieve this via email will get tired of me blogging sooo much but you don't have to read it if you don't want to so I shouldn't worry so much....right??? P.S. I love reading others blogs and wish more of my friends would do one (hint hint)!
5. To be a better mom....not that I think i'm a bad mom but I want to be able to enjoy my kids and not worry so much about all the little things. To really be able to have fun with them and create great memories for them! They mean the world to me and I want to be able to show them what they mean to me!

So how did we celebrate the new we usually do, stay home where we are all together and safe. This year we played some family games, then toasted the new year together. Of course your wondering if I have pics....well of course I do!
Here's batman and his batboys!

Rylie and her bff Abby

Can you tell how much fun he is having?

Owen has Grammy wrapped around his little finger!!!

My sweet boy, he was asleep as we entered the new year but he partied with us before.

And this one didn't even make it for the party hats, I would have let her stay up as late as she wanted but I knew that wouldn't be until midnight, I think she was out before 9pm and you never wake a sleeping Katelin!!!

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