Saturday, May 28, 2011

Katelin's Birthday Party!!! was 2 weeks ago!
Yes.....her actual birthday was over 3 weeks ago!
And Yes, I am just now getting around to posting these pictures!
What can I say............Life has been BUSY!!!!

Nonetheless, Katelin had a wonderful party......spent with great family and friends!!!!

The Invitation:

The Cake:

The Princess:

The Decor:

The Gifts:

Blowing out the Candles:

Evan enjoyed him some cake (I think he will be ready for his own cake in August)

We got to meet our new little nephew John! Uncle Stephen wasn't able to come to town but John and his mom, Sarah, came to the party with Grandma and Papa. Here's a pic of the 2 youngest of the cousins:

Evan looks so big next to John, Evan is 9 months and John 3 1/2 months.

Everyone had left except for Chris, Michelle, Brandon, and Mykayla and Kaylynn so we started a fire and cooked some hot dogs!!!

My sweet princess all tuckered out after a busy day!!!

Thank you so much for everyone who came and shared my girls special day!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Owen, Owen, Owen!!!!

Owen has kept me pretty busy lately and I finally have some time to share why!!!!

I got to go on Owen's field trip with him to Deanna Rose. Chet had to work so I had to take the little ones with me and they were sooo good the whole time. We had a lot of fun, I have to say was a little long for an all day field trip. Owen is in half day kindergarten but the field trip was all day and Deanna Rose is just not a place you spend an entire day at. They had lunch as a class and did a mining activity as a class but other than that we were on our own. We had Owen's friend Tristan in our group so we visited the animals, played on the playground a lot and I bought ice cream for the kids!

Playing at the playground, mining activity and visiting the tee pee!

Some of the animals!

Milking the baby goats!

Then yesterday my boy officially became a 1st grader........i'm proud of him, he has really adjusted to elementary school so well! He has some areas that need to be worked on like his sight words but I am confident with a little bit of hard work this summer that we will have him ready for 1st grade in the fall.

For their graduation they sang some songs and got their diplomas. We gave Owen a graduation dog and some balloons, I think it kind of embarrassed him.
Getting his diploma!

His last moment as a kindergartener

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Barber Shoppe!

Lucky for me, I don't have to take my boys to the barber shoppe because we have Daddy!




Oh my.........

I'm not sure what they did!
I'm not sure who they did it to!
And i'm not sure who punished them!
But they appear to be in time out!

If you read my last post then you saw all of Katelin's ducks lined up in the tub, well this is how I found them yesterday! You may notice most of them are missing, boy......I don't want to know what they did wrong or what happened to them!!!!

They funny little people in my house, I love finding this kind of always puts a smile on my face!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Do you have all your ducks in a row??? neither! But I know someone who does!!!

 No....Really.....She does.....Go ahead and take a look for yourself..........

 Okay, so she doesn't have ALL her ducks in a row because that is only about half of her collection! Oh and her little brother would wipe them all out if only he could get his little hands on them but lucky for Katelin..........
 he just can't quite reach them!!!

Want to know something else about my beautiful curly haired blonde??? I have to take a lot of pictures when her hair is done all cute like this! Any guesses why???
She doesn't leave anything in her hair very long! I do it all cute and she undoes it a short time later :(  It sure is adorable while it last.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rylie, Rylie, Rylie

That will sum up this's all about Rylie!
I haven't blogged a lot lately because we have been sooooo busy! The end of school is almost here and there has been lots and lots going on is what's been up with my Ry Ry!

In April they had the 3rd grade musical, they had to dress in a 70's theme so here is my girl with her tie dye shirt and bandana in her hair. She had a small speaking part and did great. I wasn't able to get a great picture of the program though.
 Then at the end of April I went on a field trip with Rylie. We went to the Prairie Nature Center in Lawrence. It was fun to have some time with just my Ry. We had Liadon and Alleigh in our group. We went on a nature walk, got to see some cool animals and then got to go catch bugs. Chet stayed home with the little ones, I must admit this made me a bit nervous. I knew they would be fine and they were, no problems! I just hadn't left Evan with Chet for an entire day yet but I shouldn't of had any doubts........they had a great day!!!

Ry catching bugs, my group of girls, Rylie with fly eyes, & me and my girl!

My favorite was the Owl, can you see where the beaver's have been hard at work on the tree, Yuck....a big hair spider, and an opossum(they are actually kinda cute when not road kill)
  Rylie received the Character Trait award for Acceptance and Tolerance, proud of my girl! She gets practice with acceptance and tolerance with her little sister so the award does fit!!!
 We were so excited to go to School Day at the K, Chet and I had both got tickets so we were gonna spend the day with Rylie at the Royals stadium. Grammy took off work to watch the little ones. Well the night before, guess what??? Rylie came down with pink eye! She was the last to get it, I really thought it was gonna miss her. Big Fat Bummer! Here she is in her Day at the K T-shirt.
 And not only did she get pink eye but she also broke a blood vessel in her eye and it looked like this......

 Two weeks later it is still there but it is almost gone. Rylie was probably the most difficult to give eye drops to, she really did try to cooperate but kept moving everytime I was trying to put the drops in but we survived that. I got a note shortly after the pink eye stuff that head lice was at the school.........Thank Goodness we managed to avoid that one (knocking on wood)!!! Oh and it ended up cold and rainy during school day at the K so I hear we did not miss a good time, hopefully next year it will all work out for us to go and it will be a nice day.

Tuesday I went up to the school with my crew in tow for bug presentations and 3rd grade awards, I had my good camera but left my SD card in the computer so I had to use the camera on my phone (better than nothing).

Rylie, Emily, and Isabelle did a presentation on the Indian Moon Moth and they did an awesome job!
Rylie's playdoh moon moth, giving her presentation and Ry, Emily and Isabelle!
 And here are the awards she for meeting all 4 quarters of her AR reading goal, KU reading award, one for putting an extra time and effort with the math academy and the one each for excelling on her math and reading state assessments. We are super proud of her, she works hard and does so well in school. Keep up the good work can do anything you set your mind to!!!
So this is a lot of what we have been up to, Owen has kept us pretty busy as well but we have Kindergarten graduation on Monday and then I will be sharing all that we have been up to with him. Along with Katelin's birthday party and a few other things. Hard to believe summer break is only 5 days away....too bad this cold weather is hanging around.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Evan Wade - 9 months

Well he has been out in the world as long as he was in the womb and what a beautiful wonderful 9 months that is has been. My sweet boy is quickly learning more and more things. He is now walking along the furniture so I think walking may be in the next month or two.

He likes to scream and squeal with happiness and boy is he loud. He also likes to say....mmmmmm ma, mmmmm ma and daaa, daaa and it is so darn cute! And I still haven't found a food that this boy does not like.

He's growing, learning and changing so much everyday......sometimes I just wish I could freeze time and keep him my little baby just a little bit longer but I can't so I am just enjoying him as much as I can everyday!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend!!!

I had a decent mother's day weekend. Not how I would have chosen to spend it but that's okay. Don't get me wrong......I love my Grandma and don't mind helping her out but it took up almost the entire weekend for my mom and I. We spent Saturday running her around on some errands and then went over there Sunday with Chet and the kids in tow to help her with some things and to have lunch and cake.

After we got home Saturday night..... Chet, Rylie and Owen had been out shopping and wanted to give us our gifts early. So they called my mom into our room to see her gift and Chet told me to grab the I grabbed it I looked down and saw a new camera lense (the 300mm zoom lense I wanted), I was shocked.....did not expect that at all!!! Thank all are the best!

What about Grammy...........well here is what she got...............

And here is a picture of my beauties taken with my new lense...........

Owen gave me a plant from school, Rylie was out sick with pink eye the day they did their mother's day gifts!

And Katelin......well mothers day morning she put together a quick gift for me, even wrapped it (or boxed it) herself..........

Don't you love her wild child bed head, she has some crazy hair in the morning.....oh and she wished me a Happy Birthday instead of a Happy Mother's Day.....Love my sweet girl!!!
My kiddos and me!

 Evan and I on our first Mother's Day!
Sure do Love this guy.....he's way too good to me!!!
They were all dressed nice when we headed to my Grandma's but why would they want to stay in nice clothes when they can strip down?!?!
Doesn't look to comfy but that's where he slept. more quick thing. Friday after school the kids were in there room drawing and playing with stickers. A little bit later I went into my room and found this............
What was inside????
 And this.......
Sure love those two.........such big hearts they have (when i'm not being the meanest mom in the world, which is fairly often according to Rylie!)
Next to the nice people they wrote "you are brave like this person" and next to the bad guys they wrote "you are not like this person because they are mean and evil" Too funny!!! They also wished me a Happy Mother's day and said I'm the best Mom ever!

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