Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend!!!

I had a decent mother's day weekend. Not how I would have chosen to spend it but that's okay. Don't get me wrong......I love my Grandma and don't mind helping her out but it took up almost the entire weekend for my mom and I. We spent Saturday running her around on some errands and then went over there Sunday with Chet and the kids in tow to help her with some things and to have lunch and cake.

After we got home Saturday night..... Chet, Rylie and Owen had been out shopping and wanted to give us our gifts early. So they called my mom into our room to see her gift and Chet told me to grab the I grabbed it I looked down and saw a new camera lense (the 300mm zoom lense I wanted), I was shocked.....did not expect that at all!!! Thank all are the best!

What about Grammy...........well here is what she got...............

And here is a picture of my beauties taken with my new lense...........

Owen gave me a plant from school, Rylie was out sick with pink eye the day they did their mother's day gifts!

And Katelin......well mothers day morning she put together a quick gift for me, even wrapped it (or boxed it) herself..........

Don't you love her wild child bed head, she has some crazy hair in the morning.....oh and she wished me a Happy Birthday instead of a Happy Mother's Day.....Love my sweet girl!!!
My kiddos and me!

 Evan and I on our first Mother's Day!
Sure do Love this guy.....he's way too good to me!!!
They were all dressed nice when we headed to my Grandma's but why would they want to stay in nice clothes when they can strip down?!?!
Doesn't look to comfy but that's where he slept. more quick thing. Friday after school the kids were in there room drawing and playing with stickers. A little bit later I went into my room and found this............
What was inside????
 And this.......
Sure love those two.........such big hearts they have (when i'm not being the meanest mom in the world, which is fairly often according to Rylie!)
Next to the nice people they wrote "you are brave like this person" and next to the bad guys they wrote "you are not like this person because they are mean and evil" Too funny!!! They also wished me a Happy Mother's day and said I'm the best Mom ever!

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Mother's day weekend is my favorite and love to celebrate with the love of my life. Saw glossy and lustrous pictures clicked by a professional photographer on my cousin's wedding. Amazingly located wedding venues NYC appeared like a big castle. Was not able to attend the party because of work commitments. But all guests praised the function a lot.

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