Thursday, May 5, 2011

Katelin's Birth Story!!!

3 years ago today was a Monday. It was a beautiful May day. I was nervous. Why??? I think your always a little nervous, no matter how many kids you have had plus this was my first attempt at a natural child birth!

Cheston and Jakee had come out the night before so they could help keep an eye on Rylie and Owen while we were at the hospital. We got to the hospital and got settled in. Chet, my mom, and Natalie were there with me. This was going to be my 2nd VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section), and the "rules" had changed and I had to be under a "doctors" care. Luckily I was still able to have Jeane (my midwife) be with me for labor support and for delivery. Jeane came in early that morning and broke my water. I had asked to hold off on pitocin to see if breaking my water would start labor. Dr. Carriker had agreed to give me until noon to see what would happen. Well.....guess what happened????
Waiting on baby Katelin!

Nothing. Finally at 11 am I decided it wasn't gonna happen on it's own and I wanted to get things rolling and lucky for me Dr. Carriker happened to be at the hospital so she ordered my pitocin and things got going quickly. Jeane had gone back to the office to see patients and I was supposed to let the nurse know to call her when things started getting painful. I hate pain scales. I have no idea what # to relate to what pain. The nurse told me that she considers 5-6 when you would no longer go to work. My nurse was impressed that I was still saying about 3 with my contractions being as strong as they were but then she came in again and I told her that I didn't think i'd be working through my pain now! She called Jeane and she came up to the hospital. She got me on the birthing ball and then in the rocking chair and rubbed my back and all that was a huge help to get through the pain. I don't think I could get through a natural birth without Jeane, she just has a way and a calmness about her.
Waiting to get things going......

I was handling the contractions pretty well and then they got stronger and seemed to be coming one right after another. I was back in bed and dialated to 6 or so and I was told she would be here in a couple hours for sure. Well........I wasn't going to be able to go with back to back contractions for a couple more hours and decided I wanted the epidural. Jeane then said that she didn't think it would take that long at all and had me roll over to my side. She said she would call the anesthethiologist if I wanted. I decided I didn't need it. Rolling over did the trick within like 10 minutes I was dialated to a 9. And then it was time to push.

Remember this was the first time I went natural and man did it hurt. I remember, at one point, thinkning that the only way out of this pain would be to die right now! I, of course, did not want to die but that is how bad it hurt. I pushed with everything that I could.....I just wanted her out! I was pushing so hard and not getting enough oxygen that my hands started to constrict. Jeane told me to slow down and breathe. I remember saying "get her out"! I'm pretty sure it only took about 5 minutes and there she was. 4:02 pm Katelin Rae Elizabeth was born weighing 7lbs 14 oz. and 19 1/2 inches with blond hair and blue eyes. I had expected her to look like Rylie and after I saw her I said " she looks like Owen".

Jeane had told me to not push because she didn't want me to tear but I couldn't keep from pushing so I did tear a little but nothing to major. I didn't need stitches. I got to hold her right after she was born, I had never experienced that because Rylie was c-section and Owen had passed meconium before he was born. I had the shakes really bad after she was born and I was sooo cold. They kept bringing me heated blankets. So I let everyone else hold her while I recovered a bit. But I was completely in love with her from the moment I saw my beautiful girl!

My sweet baby girl......I so Loooove her!
We took her home the next day, made a quick stop so she could meet Nanny and Papa and by the liquor store for Daddy. When we got home Chet carried in Katelin and I carried in the 12 pack of was kinda funny to see me carrying beer 24 hours after having a baby, I looked like a real lush!

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