Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Any Guesses..........

on how old my sweet Katelin will be tomorrow (Thursday)????

Well that all depends on who you ask and when you ask! Had you asked Katelin a few weeks ago she would have probably said either 15 or 18. When I asked her today, she said 80. I asked her a few more times and she said 80 every time until she finally decided she was only going to be 40 tomorrow and her friend was going to be 80! That's my funny little Katelin for you.

I thought about saying how I can't believe she is going to be 3 but it really feels like she has always been with's hard to remember life before Katelin. I swear she is a 7 year old trapped in a 3 year olds body. She keeps up with the big kids like it's nothing and she talks so well.....way beyond what I would ever expect from a 3 year old. She knows all her colors, can count to 15, knows most of her shapes, uses so much vocabulary and uses it correctly (most the time) and yes......she even knows when to cuss.

This girl of mine is so full of life, she brings so much laughter to our home and so much joy. Don't get me wrong she also brings a whole lot of mischief but that's okay, she's worth every onery thing she does! I keep telling her i'm going to sit her on the curb and sell her for a penny. After she asked what a curb was, she told me I had to sell her for $5!

Some of Katelin's favorite things.........the color orange (it was the first color she knew and since then it has been her favorite), popsicles (she would eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we let her....good thing Grammy's not in charge b/c she would let her), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (She would watch this all day while eating popsicles, again...good thing Grammy's not in charge), kitty cats, rubber duckys (she has loved these since she was about a year old and has quite the collection), candy (we have to keep it hidden), baby dolls (she must have 15 of them but everytime she sees a new one, she wants it.....and yes she does play with all of them), water (give her some containers with water with them and she has a blast and makes a mess), being outside (she loves it), her kitchen stuff (she will ask me what I want to eat, I tell her, she says no we don't have that and then she tells me what to ask for), books (her favorite 2 are "baby dear" and "little mommy"), Riding the 4 wheeler, Rylie and Owen (she always wants to play with them), Baby Evan (even though I still see her mourning the loss of being "the baby", butter (yes she will eat straight butter when Mom's not looking), Snuggling (melts my heart when she says "I want you to nuggle me"

 I had sooo many pictures I could have shared.....with her sweet little face and her beautiful blue eyes, I could just look at her all day long. And her gorgeous blond curls, although it took quite a while for that hair to come in. It's so funny to look at pictures from her first year, she was soooo bald! But we sure do love our little princess........Happy Birthday Sweetheart, we love you more than you will ever know!!!! I will be sharing Katelins birth story tomorrow!!!

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