Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

To my Mom:
Thank you for being such a remarakable mother and a wonderful friend. I know you gave up a lot for us and that you still do and I appreciate everything that you have ever done. I hope you know how much you mean to all of us. The kids could not ask for a better Grammy (or one that spoils them more)! I can only hope that one day I can repay you for all that you have done. I wish that I could do more but please always remember how priceless you are to us. I love you!

To Chet:
I always wanted to have a "Daddy" and while I did have a Dad....I did not have a "Daddy". The only thing better than having my own "Daddy" is my kids having the greatest "Daddy" that I could ever imagine. That along with the 4 amazing children you have given me is the greatest thing I could ever ask for. I also really really love the camera lense you got me though! So Thank you sooooo much for that. You are my perfect half and I love you more than you will ever know. I think we make a pretty incredible team!!!

To my darling children: Rylie, Owen, Katelin and Evan:
I am a mother because of the 4 of you! My dream come true. Most little girls dream of their wedding day but not me......I began dreaming of motherhood before I can remember. I am living my greatest dream, you all make me who I am and I cherish each of you. Where ever you go, my heart will be with you. Thank you for being your beautiful, wonderful selves. I love you more than you will ever know. Brighter than the sun. Bigger than the moon. Farther than the stars. Deeper than the oceans Forever and Ever......oh and the universe and back!

And to my stepchildren: Matthew, Cheston and Jakee:
I wish what I know now, I had known when you were younger and living with us......I would have been a much better step mom. Please know my lack of parenting skills was because of the insecurities I had and nothing to do with who you are. I truly believe you all to be amazing and am proud to be a part of your lives. I love you all and wish you all to have incredible lives!!!

I feel so incredibly blessed to be living the life I am living. I consider myself to be one lucky Mama!!!

And to all the amazing mothers I know..........Happy Mothers Day, I hope you all have a fantabulous day!!!

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