Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Owen, Owen, Owen!!!!

Owen has kept me pretty busy lately and I finally have some time to share why!!!!

I got to go on Owen's field trip with him to Deanna Rose. Chet had to work so I had to take the little ones with me and they were sooo good the whole time. We had a lot of fun, I have to say was a little long for an all day field trip. Owen is in half day kindergarten but the field trip was all day and Deanna Rose is just not a place you spend an entire day at. They had lunch as a class and did a mining activity as a class but other than that we were on our own. We had Owen's friend Tristan in our group so we visited the animals, played on the playground a lot and I bought ice cream for the kids!

Playing at the playground, mining activity and visiting the tee pee!

Some of the animals!

Milking the baby goats!

Then yesterday my boy officially became a 1st grader........i'm proud of him, he has really adjusted to elementary school so well! He has some areas that need to be worked on like his sight words but I am confident with a little bit of hard work this summer that we will have him ready for 1st grade in the fall.

For their graduation they sang some songs and got their diplomas. We gave Owen a graduation dog and some balloons, I think it kind of embarrassed him.
Getting his diploma!

His last moment as a kindergartener

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