Sunday, May 1, 2011


I like the color's not my favorite color, that would be purple. It's not even my second favorite color.......that would be blue. But I do like the color pink!

I love little baby girls in pink, ooh and pink roses are very pretty! The noses on a sweet baby kitten all pink and wet.....yeah that's also pretty cute. So there are lots of pink things that I like.

There are also things that are pink that I don't particuarly like. I don't tend to wear pink clothes. While I love milk......strawberry milk is gross. And I can't stand when men wear pink shirts or pink ties but each their own. This week my house was infiltrated by something pink!

Yes........Pink Eye. It all started with Haylie. She had it but had medicine and it cleared up. No sign of it in Dylan or Xander so Dylan spent the night. Guess what???? Yeah, he woke me up at 3 am with his eyes matted shut. So we were keeping our fingers crossed until Monday morning.

I went to wake the kids up and Owen rolls over and says "I have pink eye, I can't go to school with pink eye." And no he could not. Rylie slept with him that night so I assumed she would have it so I took them both to the doctor. Rylie was good and I got medicine for Owen. Then the next day.......Katelin and Evan break out with it. Then Guess what????

Yesterday my right eye started to bother me. I remembered having an itch in my eye a day or two earlier and I had been doing something with one of the kids when I scratched it and I thought Oh No, I probably just infected myself and I sure did. And I had been washing my hands constantly but it doesn't take much. Rylie is still good though so let's hope it stays that way. The kids are doing pretty good with the drops but man I think Rylie would be the worse! Oh and they call it red eye. I have been known to refer to my kids as little demons but thank goodness there eyes aren't really red!

However, I do still like the color pink and now more than ever the "think pink" slogan for breast cancer means a little bit more. I will not complain at all  much about pink eye because in the whole realm of things, it's not really a big deal. This week I heard some shocking news. A dear friend of mine has breast cancer. She is 31 and she is a new mother. She is also a strong woman with an unwavering faith. I know she will beat this. However, I ask that you keep her in your prayers because noone can ever have to many prayers. And keep her daughters and husband in your prayers. You see, I said she is a new mother but not in the traditional sense. She has spent over a year doing paper work, living in a foreign country and working so hard to get her family together. Her daughters are a preteen and teenager who lost their other mother to cancer and I believe with all my heart that they will not lost another mother to cancer. Their story is an amazing one and I so admire all they have done to build their family and this is just going to be another added depth to their amazing journey.

While it's not my place to put her name out here, she is someone who does read my blog. So to you MJ......You are in my prayers everyday, I know you have a countless number of people in your corner but please know that I am here too and if you ever need anything do not hesitate to ask. I admire you so much, and admire your postive outlook and your amazing faith!!!!

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