Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2011

Our Easter celebration began on Saturday afternoon.......when we colored eggs! Haylie and Dylan came over and we let them at it...................

The next morning after the kids got up they got the baskets that the Easter Bunny had left them......

Rylie got model magic along with some other little goodies.

Owen got a camo hat, he's been asking for one a lot lately!

Katelin got a minnie mouse that goes on a flower pot and some other little things!

Evan also got a little camo hat and onesie and a few little toys.
The Easter Bunny doesn't get to extravagant in our house, having so many kids helps keep the spoiling down!!!
My boys in their matching hats!
My beautiful I sure do LOVE them!

My Gorgeous Girls!

Cousins.....This is such a good picture of the 7 of them! I took about 10 and this was the very first one I took and the very best one of the bunch. Good Lookin' Group of Kids......I Love them all!!!!

Dylan, Haylie, and Xander!
 We go to my Grandma's house every Easter and the kids have an Easter egg hunt. They each have an assigned color of eggs (that way they all get the same thing and it is fair, they get one big egg and it has a dollar for every year of age!)

Katelin swinging!

Rylie was so proud that her feet could touch the top of the deck.

The best seat in the house!

I just like this picture!
Love. Love. Love. Love.
We not only celebrated Easter but we also celebrated Xander's 1st Birthday! Who would have thought 1 year ago when Natalie took in her cousin's 4 day old baby as an emergency placement that he would become such a special member of our family. Happy Birthday Xander......We Love You!!!!
Grammy and Xander!
We had a good Easter. After we left my Grandma's we went to Chester and Doris's house for a bit, my camera had died so I didn't get any pictures but it was great to see them. They had an easter egg hunt for our kids and for Mikayla and Kaylynn (our twin nieces). It was funny, like I said before we did a color for each kid during our egg hunt so when Katelin got in their yard for this egg hunt in an almost panicky voice she said, "what color do I get?" She was excited she could get any of the eggs she saw, no matter what color. They were each supposed to get 12 eggs and Katelin found was a bit of a fight but we got her to give one to Rylie!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Looks like a wonderful Easter. Ahh i wonder what an extravagant easter would be? My kids got NOTHING-except Aunt Terry brought them a chocolate bunny and nana brought some sidewalk chalk and cars the night before. So please don't feel like you weren't doing a lot because you did!!

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