Friday, April 15, 2011

Evan Wade - 8 months

I know I say this each month but I really can't believe my sweet Evan is 8 months old......he really is such a special little boy!
Owen snapped this pic of his baby bro!
That sweet smile melts my heart over and over again everyday! Evan is crawling everywhere, it is so cute. I love when he crawls into a room with a big grin on his face. Today, Chet came home from working and went into the bedroom....Evan followed him in there and got so excited when Daddy came over to pick him up. Then when Daddy carried him into the living room, I started to wave to him and he started moving his arm up and down with his big smile. So he now knows how to wave.....too sweet!

He is real close to pulling himself up, i'm sure he will hit that milestone sometime in his 8th month. He still loves all of his food. He takes bottles well but prefers to nurse. Weighs in at a little over 21lbs and is wearing a size 4 diaper. His clothes are pretty much 12-18 months, he's my little chunk.

His name should have been Billy because he is a little billygoat, everything goes in his mouth. My other kids didn't do that nearly as much. I vacuum at least once a day but he still finds stuff. Mostly pretty harmless stuff like a tiny scrap of paper but I did find a thumbtack in his mouth not too long ago. I kind of freaked there for a minute so just constantly checking the floor now.

He says "mamamamamama" a lot and is really learning to show off his vocals. He has also moved up to a big boy carseat.

My monthly bear pics are becoming a little harder since Evan can crawl..........

But I did manage to get one decent shot. For some reason the text that said 7 months keeps disappearing but this is 7 and 8 months!

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