Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to the World...........

My best friend Mandy and her husband Chad along with big brother Christopher welcomed Baby Emily into the world yesterday, April 6 2011 @ 7:28 am. She weighed in at 7lbs .8oz and was 19 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful, it was a good and quick delivery and mom and baby are doing great! She is a lucky little girl joining an incredible family. I'm so happy for them and so excited to watch little Emily grow up. Congrats to you all! Of course I have been to visit twice, my girls tagged along the second time and they love her.

1 comment:

MamaGottaRun said...

Your kids are all getting so old! I can't believe how fast time flies. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog, I hope all is well with you!

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