Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My sweet baby boy.....

is discovering and learning so many new things and I love seeing him do all of these things! And April 20th was a big day for my boy, he had several new firsts....................
Yeap....my boy learned to clap and man was he proud of himself! He would clap. And we would clap and cheer like crazy people. Then he would clap again and look at us waiting for us to clap and cheer some more. So....of course, we clapped and cheered some more. This went on for a while, he sure thought he was hot stuff.....but I can't blame him because we all think he is too! 

Then after we got done with the clapping game, Evan was playing on the floor and Chet said, "Look what he just did!"  And there he was standing at the end table. And almost a week later......he has it down and is pulling himself up all the time now!

Oh how I love this sweet boy and I love watching him learn and discover all these new things. Seeing things through a child's eyes is truly an amazing experience!!!

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