Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A little of everything.......

wrapped up in one big post! I have been busy and I have been tired and I haven't had much time for blogging. Evan has been sick and not sleeping well at all so Mama hasn't slept well either. Sunday night was probably the worse, his temp under his arm was 103.7 and I had trouble getting it to come down but finally succeeded well into the night. So here are pics over the past week or two.

The kids have an awesome special education program at their school, the special ed kids are integrated into the regular classrooms and so the kids have interaction with them daily. I think this is great, it exposes the kids to all kinds of other kids and I believe it helps them not to look at the special ed kids as being so different from them. Rylie will speak of some of the kids in her grade with a sense of pride and that makes me feel very proud of her. All the kids were to wear light blue for Autism Awareness, Rylie even got an Autism Awareness shirt so here they are in their blue shirts.

Definitely not a flattering picture of me but this was how the kids fell asleep one night, i'm a mama with many titles and apparently one of those is a place to sleep!

My Rylie.....this child is so creative. I am not a fashionista in any way but Rylie will put together the cutest outfits and this was one I thought was really cute.

Look at that smile....I just love it and he shares it all the time:)
And look at that smile....oh how I also love it, it tends to have onery eyes with it, see that purple case? Yeah, that would be Rylie's makeup!
Here's my O with some new cars I bought him. I love that even though he has literally a bucket full of cars, he still gets excited over new ones. Which is really a good thing since..........

I can't get him to even look up at me when he's playing his video games. He would spend all day on them if I let him between the Wii, Xbox, DSi and computer it's crazy. But I don't let him and much to his dismay after a little video game time each day, I make them all be turned off.

My Rylie again, sometimes I can't believe how big she is getting. I'm super proud of her, I see her maturing everyday! She will always be my little Ry Ry though.

Of course he is smiling, I really don't just post smiley pics.....this kid really does smile that much. The past few days he's been fussier than i've ever seen him but he still smiles. Hopefully this sickness is almost over for him.

So there you go now I have a sink of dishes to do, a few loads of laundry to fold, toys to pick up and the list goes on and on. I'm soooo tired though, so I think some of it may wait until tomorrow because more importantly I have kids to tuck in and hugs and kisses to give. And hopefully my sweet baby boy will sleep a little better tonight because this Mama is desparate for several hours of uninterrupted sleep.

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