Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why we should stick to family walks.............

 Well in order to explain this.....I should start at the beginning! It has been an absolutely beautiful weekend so we spent a good amount of it outside. The kids rode 4 wheelers and Rylie rode the lawnmower. Got some of the yard prepared for planting. And a few other odds and ends.
The kids went for some rides on the trailer.....Our oldest 3 plus Abby and Dylan.

Xander came by for a visit!

My poor Evie has been sick, running a temp and has an ear infection but he has still been a pretty happy boy.

Dylan, Katelin and Owen.

Taking a ride down our road.

My little redneck girls, gotta love the dress and the cowgirl boots on KK.
So your still wondering why we should stick to family walks......let me show you why.............

So the kids really enjoy trailer rides so we thought why not go with the entire family. Sam was driving and Grammy, Daddy, myself and all 4 kids were in the trailer and we were going to ride down our deadend gravel road. Well it seemed like we were going pretty fast and then we saw the mower start to fishtail and we realized something wasn't right and then Sam lost control and we knew we were going to crash. Chet said something to the effect of "We're Jacked", his word was a little different but no need to repeat that on here.

I can't exactly explain to you what goes through your head in this situation, it all happened so fast. But I know I was focused on holding on to Evan and preparing to keep him close to me and from hitting any rocks or the road. At the same time my other 3 kids were in the trailer along with my husband and mom so basically everyone. It was just scary! I was expecting that someone or everyone could be thrown out as we went into the ditch. Fortunately, we all stayed in the trailer, however, Sam went into the ditch and the mower was on top of him. He yelled to get it off of him and Chet got some super human strength and pulled it off. Luckily he was also okay just scratched up. Before getting the mower off of him, we thought he was really hurt bad. The kids were so concerned for Sam, he is a lot like a Grandpa to them.

As we were all saying "thank God noone was hurt", Katelin piped in with, "I got hurt" and then preceded to show us her knee that got scraped, very very lightly scraped. I will take that, I don't even want to imagine all the ways this could have been. Thank you God for watching out for us. I do know the thought went through my head of how this is like the Rescue 911 type of show you see. A family doing something trying to have fun and it turns into an emergency, we are fortunate our didn't turn out like that. So lesson learned.......we will stick to family walks not family trailer rides.

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