Monday, April 11, 2011

An Olympic Silver Medal!!!

That's what Rylies team got! Of course, i'm not talking about the actual "Olympics" but the math Olympics the 3rd graders had to help prepare for state assessments! So they had a little medal ceremony on Friday morning and showed a picture slide show and gave each kid a "medal". Here is my beautiful Ry......
And I want to give a shout out to all of the 3rd graders! My mom works with a lady whos son Jacob is serving in Afghanistan. His birthday is at the end of April and she was trying to gather a bunch of birthday cards to send to him. So I emailed Mrs. Kroh and asked of she would be interested in having her class make some cards for him. Well not only did her class make cards but all 3 of the 3rd grade classes did. So today my mom took them to her and she only had a small stack to send to him. My mom said she cried when she saw the 60 some cards the 3rd graders made for him. I had looked through all of them and they did a great job. They sent some really nice messages and did some great colorings for him. So Thank you 3rd graders, I am sure you will bring many smiles to Jacob on his birthday!

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