Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How many spoons does it take......

to feed one baby???
 Well on this particular took 4!!!
 That would be one for me to feed him, one for Katelin to feed him and two for Evan (one in each hand)!
 It used to be Ev only required one spoon but as of today he has learned........he can have a spoon in one hand and grab the one i'm using with the other so I had to give him 2 to occupy both hands.

It also used to be that I would tell Katelin "No, mommy's gonna feed Evan." however, this is me trying to be a little less of a control freak with the kids when they just want to help. I did have to tell her to use smaller bites and he is getting a bath anyway so whats the harm in baby food all over him. She was done after about 5 bites anyway and she is happy she got to help so it was worth it!
Oh, and you know when you feed a do that ridiculous thing where you open your mouth as you give him/her a bite?!?! Yeah well it's not just grown ups who do it, even the little kids do funny!
At least as grown ups, we learn to keep our tongues in our mouth! We wouldn't want to look completely ridiculous, now would we?!?!?

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