Monday, April 25, 2011

Over the past few weeks......

a lot has been happening and I have been busy and haven't had time to blog about all of it. So here I go......

Several weeks ago my cousin Erin (who is the only person I am still in contact with from my dad's side of the family) came for a visit with her family. I hadn't seen her in probably 2 years and we have missed her dearly. I think and I hope that she will now be coming around more often.

Jessica (Erin's girlfriend), Shaun, Erin, and Quinten!

Erin's adorable boys, Shaun is 7 and Quinten is 4 1/2.
 We had a great time visiting with them and can't wait to see them again!

Katelin can't wait to be able to drive this herself...........
Remember me talking about powerwashing (that's why Katelin had puddles to jump in), well yeah that was like a all day thing, guess which kid helped us with that???

 That would be my RyRy...........Isn't she pretty???  I sure think so!!! And there is the white screen door my grandma had painted took hours to get all the paint off but between Chet, Rylie and myself we got it.

Weeeee.....this sure is fun.........
Uh.....are you sure about letting her push me, she is the crazy one! 

Look at these good lookin kids!!!! This was taken before school the day of spring pictures!

I just thought this was too funny.....

Rylie sure loves her baby brother.....she always tells me,
"mama, i'm glad we have Evan" and I always tell her, "me too"!
 Oh man, my little Katelin....she is such a ham! She loves wearing the fluffy skirts and they are so cute on her!
 Owen got mad at me one morning before school and I got the face on the left, then I said something that made him happy and I got the face on the right (reminds me of the comedy/tragedy symbol).

Well that is it for now.....I have pictures from when we planted flowers and Easter pictures to share so hopefully I will get to all of that this week. I'll go ahead and give you a sneak peak of Easter. You may remember me saying I was going to take a picture of the kids together every month....well I did my April pic on Easter so here it is...............

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