Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy.......

This crazy boy of mine was trying to tell me how big something was, see the picture??? Can you guess what he is trying to tell me about???
Fish would be a good guess, he also saw a snake at school yesterday and that would make sense.....but no that is how big Owen claims his turd was. Why was it that big? Well, after picking him up from school today we had to go to the bank and to Wal-mart and he had to hold it the whole time, he claims he had to go so bad that it came out in one BIG piece. I realize you all could have lived your life without hearing this story's my blog and I can tell whatever stories I want so there ya go. I so love having boys even with an occasional "turd" story ( I have no doubt this same conversation could have come from Katelins mouth so I don't think it is just a boy thing.)

I am proud to say that he is also a gentleman, see how sweet when helping his little sister get a drink.......

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